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Wilton Youth Football & Cheer

Cheer Guidelines

Wilton Youth Football Cheerleading

Guidelines for 2024 Season


Welcome to the WYC 2024 Cheerleading Squads. We are looking forward to a great season with your children.  Please review the following before the season begins so that both cheerleaders and parents are aware of the squad’s expectations and requirements.


Code of Conduct

All cheerleaders represent WYFC when they are both on and off the field and should conduct themselves accordingly.

Listen to and show respect for all coaches and assistants during all practices and games.

Your squad members are your teammates, both on and off the field. You are one team.  Listen to, respect, support and work to earn the trust of one another.

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in suspension from a practice or game.



All cheerleaders are expected to attend their practices and one 15-30 minute warm –up and stretch before each game.  If you are unable to attend a practice, you must let your Coach know ASAP.

Each cheerleader must report to the Coach at the beginning of each practice. Please tell your child that they are to stay with their Coach during practice, and not to leave or go elsewhere, unless specifically told that they may do so by their coach. Cheerleaders are expected to use the bathroom before each practice and game starts.  If they need to use the bathroom, they should tell the Coach

Please arrive promptly at the end of practice to pick up your child, and let the Coach know that you are there. All  K-2 cheerleaders must be checked out by a Coach before they can be dismissed. 

Please provide your Coach with your cell phone number, so that they may reach you should the need arise.  If you are going to be more than a few minutes late, please text the Coach.

Each cheerleader should bring a water bottle only (no snacks or other drinks) to practice, and wear that season's cheer practice t-shirt or another navy t-shirt, appropriate athletic shorts or leggings and cheer sneakers. Practice may be outdoors, so please be sure that your child has a sweatshirt or rain jacket if the weather requires. No jewelry may be worn. Hair should be neatly secured. No gum. 

Pom poms are not required at practice unless the Coach specifically requests them.

No cell phones may be used during practices, other than for emergencies with Coach approval. 

Upon arrival at practices and games, the cheerleaders should put their water bottles and any personal belongings in a spot designated by the coach. 

As a safety requirement, if a cheerleader misses a Friday practice or the pre-game practice, they will be unable to participate in the stunt portion of their cheer routine at that weekend’s game.

Uniform* (vest & skirt) 
White socks
White sneakers
Pom Poms**
Navy blue bloomers/briefs
Hair Bow***

*Please do not label your uniform as it will be used again next season. 

**It’s a good idea to tie a colored ribbon on your pom poms to easily identify.

***Hair Bows will be provided at the kickoff party or the first practice.

On cold days, please wear a plain navy blue fleece without a hood (preferably a cheerleading fleece.) In very cold weather, your daughter should wear natural colored tights or navy leggings with no writing. Only navy headbands and gloves are to be worn at games.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to a great year!!

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